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Elizabeth Chamberlain

Female Abt 1580 -

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1601: Poor law act effectively puts responsibility for poor relief on the Parish.
  • 1603: James I King of England 1603 - 1625
  • 1605: The Gunpowder Plot
  • 1616: Death of Shakespeare
  • 1620: Dud Dudley of Tipton Green patents the manufacture of coke used in Iron Smelting
  • 1620: The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth for New England
  • 1625: Charles I King of England 1625 - 1653
  • 1629: Parliament dissolved by King Charles I did not meet for 11 Years
  • 1639: Act of Toleration in England established religious toleration
  • 1642: 23 Oct 1632 English Civil War Battle of Edgehill Kineton Warwickshire Victory inconclusive
  • 1642: Charles I raises his standard at Nottingham
10 1643 
  • 1643: 30 June 1643 English Civil War Battle of Adwalton Moor Birkenshaw Yorkshire Victor the Royalists
11 1644 
  • 1644: 31 Aug 1644 English Civil War Battle of Lostwithiel Cornwall Victor Royalists
  • 1644: English Civil War Battle of Marson Moor, Long Marston Yorkshire Victor Royalists
12 1645 
  • 1645: 10 July 1645 English Civil War Battle of Langport Somerset Victo Parliament
  • 1645: 14 June 1645 English Civil War Battle of Naseby, Northamptonshire Victor Parliament
13 1649 
  • 1649: Commonwealth Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell 1653 - 1658
  • 1649: 20th Jan - 27 Jan 1649 Trial of Charles I in The Painted Chamber of the Palace of Westminster. Beheaded on 30th Jan and Buried at Windsor on 9th Jan
14 1650 
  • 1650: 3 Sept 1650 Second English Civil War Battle of Dunbar East Lothian Victory to Parliament
15 1651 
  • 1651: 3 Sept 1651 Second English Civil War Battle of Worcester Victor Parliament The final desisive Battle of the second civil war Charles II flees to France
  • 1651: Scottish prisoners transported to the English settlements in America
16 1653 
  • 1653: 1653-1660 Provincial probate courts abolished - probates granted only in London
17 1658 
  • 1658: Commonwealth Protectorate of Richard Cromwell 1658 - 1659
18 1659 
  • 1659: Restoration of Monarchy
  • 1659: Death of Oliver Cromwell
19 1660 
  • 1660: Charles II King of England 1660 - 1685
  • 1660: Founding of the Honourable British East India Company
20 1662 
  • 1662: Hearth Tax Imposed
  • 1662: Act of Uniformity - 2,000 plus vicars and rectors driven from their parishes as nonconformists.
21 1665 
  • 1665: Great Plague of London
22 1666 
  • 1666: Act of Parliament - burials to be in Woolen
  • 1666: The Great fire of London 2 Sept after a drought from 27 June
23 1670 
  • 1670: Hudson's Bay Company established - early settlers in Canada
24 1673 
  • 1673: Test Act was passed to try to help differentiate between Anglicans and Catholics. Public officeholders were required to swear an oath of allegiance (which recognised the monarch as the head of the Church of England) and accept communion by Protestant form
25 1675 
  • 1675: Whig party formed under Shaftsbury
26 1679 
  • 1679: Tories first named
  • 1679: Habeas Corpus Act becomes law in England
27 1682 
  • 1682: Pennsylvania founded by William Penn
28 1684 
  • 1684: Presbyterian settlement in Stuart's Town in South Carolina
29 1685 
  • 1685: James II King of England 1685 - 1688
  • 1685: Judge Jeffreys and the Bloody Assizes - 320 executed, 800 transported
30 1688 
  • 1688: The Glorious Revolution James effectively abdicates
  • 1688: Abolition of Hearth Tax
31 1689 
  • 1689: William and Mary Joint Reign (William prince of Orange and Mary Daughter of James II 1689 - 1694
32 1694 
  • 1694: William II King of England Sole ruler after death of Mary 1694 - 1702
33 1695 
  • 1695: Freedom of Press in England
  • 1695: Act of Parliament imposes a fine on all who fail to inform the parish minister of the birth of a child (repealed 1706)
34 1696 
  • 1696: Act of Parliament establishes Workhouses
35 1697 
  • 1697: Official opening of St Paul's Cathedral
36 1701 
  • 1701: Act of Settlement bars Catholics from the British throne
37 1702 
  • 1702: Anne Queen of England 1702 - 1714
  • 1702: 1702 - 1713 War of the Spanish Succession
38 1705 
  • 1705: First working Newcomen Steam Engine
39 1707 
  • 1707: Kingdom of Great Britain Established English and Scottish Parliaments united by an Act of the English Parliament.
40 1708 
  • 1708: First Jacobite rising in Scotland
41 1712 
  • 1712: Imposition of Soap Tax (abolished 1853)
  • 1712: Treaty of Utrecht concludes the War of the Spanish Succession
  • 1712: Second Jacobite rebellion in Scotland, under the Old Pretender
  • 1712: First Prime Minister Robert Walpole - 1742 (Whig)
42 1714 
  • 1714: George I King of England 1714 - 1727
43 1719 
  • 1719: Third abortive Jacobite rising
44 1723 
  • 1723: The Waltham Black Acts add 50 capital offences to the penal code - people could be sentenced to death for theft and poaching
  • 1723: The Workhouse Act or Test - to get relief, a poor person has to enter Workhouse
45 1725 
  • 1725: Treaty of Hanover
46 1727 
  • 1727: George II King of England 1727 - 1760
47 1729 
  • 1729: Methodists formed at Oxford
48 1730 
  • 1730: Irish Famine
49 1733 
  • 1733: Law forbidding the use of Latin in parish registers generally obeyed - some continued in Latin for a few years
50 1738 
  • 1738: John Wesley has his conversion experience
51 1741 
  • 1741: Benjamin Ingham founded the Moravian Methodists or Inghamites - The Morovians later were instrumental in converting and educating black slaves in the West Indies
52 1742 
  • 1742: England goes to war with Spain - incited by William Pitt the Elder (Earl of Chatham) for the sake of trade
53 1743 
  • 1743: Battle of Dettingen - last time a British sovereign (George II) led troops in battle - the Kettle Drums were captured by the Third King's Own Dragoon Guards
54 1745 
  • 1745: Charles Edward Stuart the young pretender to the English throne lands in Scotalnd Defeated at Culloden 1746
  • 1745: Jacobite rebellion in Scotland - Bonnie Prince Charlie (The Young Pretender) lands in the western Highlands - raises support among Episcopalian and Catholic clans - The Pretender's army invades Perth, Edinburgh, and England as far as Derby
55 1746 
  • 1746: April 17 1746 Battle of Culloden. The Jacobite rebellion crushed for all time.
  • 1746: Battle of Culloden - last battle fought in Britain - 5,000 Highlanders routed by the Duke of Cumberland and 9,000 loyalists Scots - Young Pretender Charles flees to Continent, ending Jacobite hopes forever - the wearing of the kilt prohibited. Many Scots exiled to Jamaica
56 1752 
  • 1752: Year standardised to end Dec 31 (previously Mar 24) Julian Calendar dropped and Gregorian Calendar adopted in England
57 1754 
  • 1754: Hardwicke Act (1753): Banns to be called, and Printed Marriage Register forms to be used - Quakers & Jews exempt
58 1756 
  • 1756: The Seven Years War with France (Pitt's trade war) begins
59 1757 
  • 1757: India: The Nawab of Bengal tries to expel the British, but is defeated at the battle of Plassy - the East India Company forces are led by Robert Clive - The foundation laid for the Empire of India
60 1758 
  • 1758: India stops being merely a commercial venture - England begins dominating it politically - The East India Company retains its monopoly although it ceased to trade
61 1759 
  • 1759: Wesley builds 356 Methodist chapels
62 1760 
  • 1760: George III King of England 1760 - 1820
63 1762 
  • 1762: France surrenders Canada and Florida
64 1763 
  • 1763: Treaty of Paris of 1763 - In a nutshell, Britain emerged as the world?s leading colonial empire. Her possessions stretched from India to Africa to the West Indies to North America. The British shocked knowledgeable people of the day by choosing to take the barren wasteland of Canada from France, rather than the prosperous West Indian sugar islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique.North America. Received Canada from France - Received Florida from Spain - Ceded recently taken Guadeloupe and Martinique back to France - Ceded recently taken Cuba and the Philippines to Spain - Received Grenada and the Grenadines from France - Received extensive Indian rights from France - Received Senegal from France - Received Minorca from France and Spain
65 1767 
  • 1767: First iron railroads built for mines by John Wilkinson Newcomen's steam pumping engine perfected by James Watt - First one installed at Tipton
66 1769 
  • 1769: Arkwright invents water frame (textile production)
67 1770 
  • 1770: Boston Massacre - On March 5th crowds protesting against the presence of British soldiers are fired upon.
  • 1770: Hargreaves's jenny invented (textile production)
68 1772 
  • 1772: Judge Lord Mansfield rules in the case of James Somerset a negro that there is no legal basis for slavery in England.
69 1773 
  • 1773: The Boston Tea Party - American Colonists protest at excise duties.
70 1775 
  • 1775: American rebel forces enter Canada and capture Montreal
  • 1775: Battle of Lexington: first action in American War of Independence (1775-1783)
71 1776 
  • 1776: Canada : As a result of the American Revolution, 1,124 people from New England arrived in Halifax in the first wave of United Empire Loyalists. In total, about 40,000 Americans remain loyal to Britain and flee north, to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the St. Lawrence Valley, and the lands bordering the Great Lakes. These include a large number of Black Loyalists ie Slaves who escaped and served in the British Forces
  • 1776: British forces capture New York
  • 1776: American Declaration of Independence
72 1777 
  • 1777: British Forces capture Philadelphia but surrender at Saratoga
73 1778 
  • 1778: France hoping for to take advantage of British problems in North America declare war.
74 1779 
  • 1779: Spain declares war on Britain hoping to regain territories lost in 1763
  • 1779: First iron bridge built, over the River Severn by John Wilkinson
  • 1779: Abraham Darby completes the first iron bridge across the Severn at Coalbrookdale
75 1780 
  • 1780: Holland declares war on Britain hoping for rich pickings.
  • 1780: The English Reform Movement - until now, only landowners and tenants--freeholders with 40 shillings per year or more--allowed to vote, and in open poll books
76 1782 
  • 1782: Gilbert's Act establishes outdoor poor relief - the way of life of the poor beginning to alter due to industrialisation - New factories in rapidly expanding towns required a workforce that would adjust to new work patterns
77 1783 
  • 1783: Parliament demanded an end to the war, largely due to its expense. The Prime Minister, now Lord North, resigned and, on 3 September 1783, treaties were signed at Versailles. Britain retained Canada and the West Indian Islands but the thirteen rebellious states were formally recognised as the United States of America.
  • 1783: Cornwallis surrenders at the battle of Yorktown
78 1784 
  • 1784: Canada : New Brunswick created - With the arrival of so many Loyalists from American colonies, New Brunswick is created as a separate colony with an elected assembly.
  • 1784: Pitt's India Act - the Crown (as opposed to officers of the East India Company) has power to guide Indian politics
79 1785 
  • 1785: Sunday School Society founded to educate poor children (by 1851, enrols more than 2 million)
80 1788 
  • 1788: First slave carrying act, the Dolben Act of 1788, regulates the slave trade - stipulates more humane conditions on slave ships
  • 1788: First convicts (and free settlers) arrive in New South Wales
81 1789 
  • 1789: The French Revolution begins - storming of the Bastille
82 1792 
  • 1792: Repression in Britain (restrictions on freedom of the press) - Fox gets Libel Act through Parliament, requiring a jury and not a judge to determine libel
83 1793 
  • 1793: Execution of Louis XVI of France - England declares war on France (1793-1802)
84 1794 
  • 1794: Abolition of the slave trade in North America, not slavery - Widely ignored and not enforced
  • 1794: The prosecutor for Britain, Lord Justice Eyre, charges reformers with High Treason - he argued that, since reform of parliament would lead to revolution and revolution to executing the King, the desire for reform endangered the King's life and was therefore Treason
85 1795 
  • 1795: Great English Famine after crop failure. Speenhamland Act proclaims that the Parish is responsible for bringing up the labourer's wage to subsistence level.
86 1798 
  • 1798: 1798- 1802 First war with Napoleon - Feb-Oct: The Irish Rebellion; 100,000 peasants revolt; approximately 25,000 die - Irish Parliament abolished
87 1800 
  • 1800: Union of Great Britain and Ireland - Union Jack official British flag
88 1801 
  • 1801: First census puts the population of England and Wales at 9,168,000 - population of Britain nearly 11 million (75 per cent rural)
89 1805 
  • 1805: Battle of Trafalgar - Nelson Killed in Action
90 1806 
  • 1806: First colonists leave Britain for South Africa
91 1807 
  • 1807: Abolition of the slave trade in the British Empire
92 1813 
  • 1813: Printed Parish Registers introduced for Baptisms and Burials
93 1815 
  • 1815: The Corn Laws - Cereals could not be imported into Britain until the domestic price reached eighty shillings a quarter. This price meant that cereals and bread were more expensive than they needed to be and this caused considerable agitation
  • 1815: Battle of Waterloo
94 1819 
  • 1819: First Factory Act - limiting those aged nine and above to a twelve hour day.
  • 1819: Peterloo massacre in Manchester
95 1820 
  • 1820: George IV King of England 1820 - 1830
96 1829 
  • 1829: Catholic Emancipation Act passed, allowing Catholics to participate in British & political life.
97 1830 
  • 1830: William IV King of England 1830 - 1837
98 1832 
  • 1832: Introduction of Electroal Rolls
99 1833 
  • 1833: 2nd Factory Act - rohibited the employment of under nines in mills and further restricted the time over nines could work.
100 1834 
  • 1834: Abolition of the institution of slavery in the British Empire
  • 1834: Poor Law Ammendment Act - Radical changes to poor relief grouping parishes into Poor Law Unions.
101 1835 
  • 1835: Tithe Redemtion Act
102 1836 
  • 1836: Following the second French Revolution influx of French Immigrants
103 1837 
  • 1837: Victoria Queen of England 1837 - 1901
  • 1837: Civil registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths in England & Wales is introduced in the Septemper Quarter.
104 1838 
  • 1838: Rise of the Chartist Movement
105 1840 
  • 1840: New Zealand declared a Crown colony
106 1842 
  • 1842: Mines Act - No female was to be employed underground, no boy under 10 years old was to be employed underground.Parish apprentices between the ages of 10 and 18 could continue to work in the mines. There were no clauses relating to hours of work, and inspection could only take place on the basis of checking the 'condition of the workers'. Ironically, many women were annoyed that they could no longer earn the much needed money
107 1845 
  • 1845: Beginning of the Irish Potato Famine
108 1846 
  • 1846: After the approval of 273 new lines the Railway System rapidly expands
109 1850 
  • 1850: Factories Act Extended - restricted all women and young people to no more than ten-and-a-half hours work a day.
110 1856 
  • 1856: Crimean War begins. Ends 1856
111 1857 
  • 1857: Divorce becomes obtainable through the civil courts in England & Wales (Matrimonial Causes Act)
112 1858 
  • 1858: Start of the British Raj as India is delclared a Crown Colony
113 1861 
  • 1861: - 1865 American civil war between the emancipationist North and the slaveowning South.
114 1865 
  • 1865: After the defeat of the south the thirteenth amendment passed effectively abolishing slavery in the USA.
115 1867 
  • 1867: Canada Becomes A Dominion
116 1872 
  • 1872: Public Health Act establishes urban & rural sanitary authorities.
117 1873 
  • 1873: Return of Owners of Land is made listing owners of more than 1 acre in Britain & Ireland.
118 1875 
  • 1875: Civil registration of Births and Deaths now a legal obligation.
119 1879 
  • 1879: Zulu War
120 1882 
  • 1882: Married Women's Property Act
121 1889 
  • 1889: Boer War begins. Ends 1902
122 1890 
  • 1890: Education Act: schooling compulsory for 5-10 year olds
123 1894 
  • 1894: Third Reform Bill Votes for Agricultural Workers
124 1901 
  • 1901: Edward VII King of England 1901 - 1910
  • 1901: Australia joins the Commonwealth
125 1902 
  • 1902: The Cremation Act enables public burial authorities to provide & maintain crematoriums out of the rates.
126 1905 
  • 1905: Aliens Act limits immigration
127 1906 
  • 1906: British Labour Party Formed
128 1910 
  • 1910: George V King of England 1910 - 1936
129 1911 
  • 1911: 1911 - 1912 Strikes by seamen, dock and transport workers
  • 1911: Census: Pop. England & Wales 36M, Scotand 4.6M, Northern Ireland 1.25M
130 1912 
  • 1912: The Titanic sinks on its maiden voyage 14 April
131 1914 
  • 1914: Start of the first World War, Britain houses 200,000 homeless war refugees from Belgium
132 1916 
  • 1916: Easter Rising erupts in Dublin as Irish nationalists demand Home Rule.
  • 1916: World War I - Battle of the Somme 420,000 British casualties
133 1917 
  • 1917: On 12 March USA enters war
134 1918 
  • 1918: End of the First World War - Women over the age of 30 win the right to vote.
135 1919 
  • 1919: Viscountess Astor First Woman in Commons
136 1921 
  • 1921: Census: Pop. England & Wales 37.9M, Scotland 4.9M, Northern Ireland 1.25M
137 1922 
  • 1922: Partition of Ireland creates Northern Ireland & the Irish Free State
138 1926 
  • 1926: The General Strike
139 1927 
  • 1927: Adopted Children Register begins in England & Wales
140 1928 
  • 1928: Women over 21 are allowed to vote
141 1929 
  • 1929: Legal age of marriage with parent's consent raised to 16 (from 12 for girls & 14 for boys)
142 1936 
  • 1936: Edward VIII uncrowned King of England
  • 1936: George VI King of England 1936 - 1952
143 1939 
  • 1939: Second World War begins.
144 1945 
  • 1945: Second World War ends